Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Premiere vs. FCPX - Part2

The way FCPX handles separate audio is better.  Actually PP Merge clips is useless, even though PP actually auto sync to audio pretty well. I was trying to drag subclass into a bin and I discovered to my horror that the I/O points are all fucked up. Googling about this shit... Match frame does not work with Merge clips, what??!  I'm looking for trouble, forget Merge clips, let's make Multi-Camera clips instead. These seem to work fine according to users.

All right, I'm using Multicam, PP like FCPX allows user to look "inside" a Multicam Clip by Right+Click a particular Multicam clip and "Open in Timeline". There you can adjust sync, turn audio tracks on or off, mute, pan, level them, etc. That's just fine.

PP is superior to FCPX in the mixing department thanks to Submix and Master tracks in the timeline. Yeah! I am a classically trained sound recordist, editor, mixer as well, so I know audio. Adding a Submix track for my dialog, insert EQ, insert some Compression, bang! I'm in business. FCPX has yet to offer the same mixing / sending / inserting capabilities. Although I have to say I like the surround panner and the roles assignments in FCPX, it's just not powerful enough at the moment. We sorely need something that acts like busses and submixes Apple!

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