Showing posts with label macOS Sierra. Show all posts
Showing posts with label macOS Sierra. Show all posts

Friday, May 4, 2018

Adobe Encore CS6 Audio Out

I'm using Encore on a DVD project (macOS Sierra 10.12.6) and as you know Encore can playback the timeline and preview your DVD, but for some reason I got no sound output through my brand new 24bit 48k audio interface.

In Encore, one sets the Preference/Audio/Video Out by clicking on Audio Output Device. This will open the Mac Audio Midi Setup. Click on Adobe Encore DVD 6.0 an you will see that all the devices are greyed out. Clicking and selecting your favorite device only activates it briefly, as soon as you return to Encore, all devices turn back to inactive...

Unlike Premiere Pro 6.0, it does not stick. Well the trick is to leave Adobe Encore DVD 6.0 alone, select your Audio interface/device as the System Sound Output in Mac Preferences, and in Audio Midi Setup set the device to 16bit., 24bit does not work with Encore, only 16bit.

At last! Audio output from Encore! 

Monday, March 26, 2018

macOs Sierra Public Folder/Drop Box Resetting Original Permissions and Shared Public Folder Name Change

I deleted my Public folder from my User account, then I had to re-create it, with the Drop Box folder inside it. But it didn't behave properly.

1) First the permissions for the Drop Box were different from an original Public folder onto another computer. Namely the "Custom" permission was missing.

After a short Google search, I was able to bring back the Custom Permission using Terminal:


Open Terminal and type: cd ~/Public/

Make sure the Drop Box folder is present in there: ls

You should see: Drop Box

If you see nothing there, make a new Drop Box folder: mkdir "Drop Box"

Change the permissions: chmod 733 "Drop Box"

Change the permissions again: chmod +a "$USER allow list,add_file,search,delete,add_subdirectory,delete_child,readattr,writeattr,readextattr,writeextattr,readsecurity,writesecurity,chown,file_inherit,directory_inherit" "Drop Box"

You now should see "You have custom access", Privilege "Custom" for the Drop Box Folder.  (Apple + I, or Right-click /Get Info.)

2) Second, the Public folder shows as "Public" on the network as opposed to "User's Public Folder" which is more convenient.

After a second longer Google search, I found these:

I am not going to reproduce what's already there, again DO AT YOUR OWN RISK. For me the process worked beautifully! Cheers!

Friday, March 9, 2018

BHphotovideo website is crippling Safari 11.0.3

This is what happens on my system trying to surf bhphotovideo website on Safari:

I noticed Safari going way too slow, to the point of total STOP with BeachBall to go with it.

Opening the Activity Monitor revealed Safari Networking sucking-up all the memory available and overwhelming the CPU resources.

No such slow down happens with Firefox. Puzzling...