Showing posts with label iLok. Show all posts
Showing posts with label iLok. Show all posts

Tuesday, March 13, 2018

iLok Manager, Server Unavailable March 13, 2:30pm Pacific Standard Time

Never a dull moment with iLok crap tech:

"Server Unavailable
The server is currently unavailable. This may be due to a scheduled maintenance or a service outage of some kind. There is no estimate for when the server will be available."

iLok Manager Version 4.0.3 GM (b1095, r40330) on Mac 10.10.5 Yosemite

A scheduled maintenance at 2:30pm PST? Service outage of some kind? What are you? F$%* amateurs?
Lovely! Great! Thank you so much Avid for using iLok lame tech.

UPDATE1: Upgraded to version 4.1.0 GM (b1159, r40974) SAME CRAP!
UPDATE2: Tried to launch iLok Manager on my other two computers, SAME THING!
UPDATE3: Tried connecting via my second ISP: NOPE!

The best part is: it was working yesterday.

iLok/PACE you are a disgrace to the world of audio and tech in general. Instead of getting your act together and making it work flawlessly (you've had DECADES to do so), this is what we have to deal with again and again.

UPDATE4: it's 2:55pm and iLok Manager is working again. Back to work.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

9:00am March 7 2016 iLok is DOWN! - 10:44am it's back ON.


iLok License Manager unable to connect!

 iLok website DOWN! What the ???

Just talked to an Avid Customer Service person, and they confirmed iLok is down, they apologize for the inconvenience, nothing else to do but wait. LOVELY!

How long? Why? What's going on? I cannot work!!!

10:44am it's back ON. Boy!
Fast, Zero Downtime. Hmm... Not quite.