Mac M1, macOS Sonoma 14.3
Got an Incompatible "Audio Units Found" each time I launch FCP. In my case because of TC Electronic LM2n audio plug-in V1.1.4 which according to MusicTribe / TC Electronic is not compatible with M1.
According to MusicTribe / TC Electronic V1.2.0 is compatible with M1s. OK fine, I downloaded the correct version from this page. Search for LM2 and download V1.2.0, or the newest version.
I ran the Uninstall LM2n.command to get rid of the old version, and installed the new version. And I got... the SAME "Incompatible Audio Units Found" message on FCP launch! ðŸ˜
Next I deleted Final Cut Pro Preferences (Launch FCP while holding Command + Option.) Clicked the Delete preferences button. And... SAME message. 😡 I guess this step is not useful.

And this time, lo and behold... They PASSED! And now I can use them in FCP, no problem.
So if you believe you have the correct version of an audio plug-in, but FCP is flashing the message, do try the force validation as it might fix the problem as it did for me.