Showing posts with label Final Cut. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Final Cut. Show all posts

Thursday, May 18, 2023

Help! Final Cut Pro Thinks My RAID Array Is A Camera Card

 Huh? What?

So today I went Import to try and re-import some media that behaved funky. Doing this I got a surprise: my RAID Array appeared under CAMERAS instead of DEVICES. And FCP started listing all the media files importable (there are 140k+ files on this drive array!), and not showing any of the folders/subfolders.

What? RAID_ZERO Array under Cameras???

A quick search found an article by Larry Jordan from 2015 about this very problem.

Heck, I checked my RAID, and lo and behold... I didn't have the three folders Larry is talking about (DCIM, MISC, PRIVATE) at the root of my drive, I only had a DCIM one. And that was enough to trip FCP into thinking my drive was a Camera/Camera card.

DICM folder at the root of the drive, not good!

I quickly dropped this DCIM folder into another folder at the Root, and now back to normal. 😊

That's how it should be.