Wednesday, October 19, 2022

Adobe Premiere + Media Encoder Ultimate Crap On Mac M1

 I've been fighting Premiere and Media Encoder for a while now. I can tell you that they are not ready for serious work that involve h264 as of v. 22.6.2 and v. 22.6.1 respectfully.

Do not use Premiere or Media Encoder for anything serious with h264 in your workflow and a deadline, it's totally unreliable. The software will give you random problems at any time during post. h264 footage? Forget it! h264 exports? Hell no!

You've been warned.

Here is the first seconds of yesterday's export (h264 VBR 2):

Jagged edges, total fuck up of the animated title. Thanks Adobe!

Here are the first second of today's export (h264):

More jagged edges, extra flickering for fun.
Another royal clusterfuck courtesy of Adobe.

Mind you these are 20+ minutes exports, and only the first second is fucked up. Consistently. With various degrees of fuckery. No way to know what it looks like until it's finished encoding.

This is what it supposed to look like:

Of course when I only select the first second of program, the export is fine.

So now I have to output a ProRes422 version that I will use to encode to h264 with Compressor. One more hour of work, plus 100GB of wasted space.

F.U.C.K Y.O.U. Adobe.

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