Monday, February 22, 2016

App Store Confusion

--- Update: As of 3-8 this issue has been fixed.

The App Store is showing an update for Motion 5.2.3 even though Motion 5.2.3 has already been installed... Annoying.

Thursday, February 18, 2016

FCPX Frame Rate Conform

From Alex Gollner (Alex4d), an extensive list on how Final Cut Pro X handles frame rates conforming:
So useful, thank you!

Monday, February 8, 2016

Epson Draft printing mode greyed-out

When I print something to my Epson printer, I can not select "Draft" quality, it's greyed-out.  Grrr... Why? Ink costs a fortune.

As it turns out, when I installed my printer, it was set by default to use the AirPrint driver:
I looked into System Preferences/Printers & Scanners, and indeed AirPrint shows up:
So I deleted ("-") and then added ("+") the printer in System Preferences/Printers & Scanners, but this time I clicked on the "Use" drop-down menu and selected "Epson series" instead of the default "AirPrint":
As a result, Epson Series driver (sans "AirPrint") shows up:
Now when I print, the computer uses the Epson driver and Draft, "Economy" modes are available:

Friday, February 5, 2016

FCPX 10.2.3 is out!

Mostly bug fixes, but hey! They are welcome as well.

Note to self:
- Update when you are in-between projects, or install and test-drive on a secondary computer.
- Duplicate old Libraries, and update the dupe to conform to the new FCPX.
- Archive the current FCPX app  before launching the update. Right-click and Compress, then save the Compressed app to a backup drive.