Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Adobe Illustrator CC 2015 stuck in Diagnostic Mode - Finally free!

What's going on?
I started Illustrator  CC2015 this morning and it crashed and since then it is stuck in Diagnostic mode. Three days ago it worked fine for hours on end.  Nothing has changed on my end, same everything. This is crazy?!!!  I get this stupid message:
I click on Yes, and then it is STUCK, at Test 11, then Test 12, Test whatever checking Fonts according to the dialog.
But it never gets pass the damn test, never starts. In the activity monitor it shows AI not responding and using 100% CPU.
CC 2015 Photoshop starts, Premiere, Audition, AME, After Effects all start.  But not Illustrator !  Got rid of Fonts caches, repaired permission, started in Safe Mode, no go.

---- SOLUTION  ----
All right, I got onto the Chat with Adobe Support ("Contact Us")

We went through resetting Preferences:
Rename "Adobe Illustrator 19 Settings" to "Adobe Illustrator 19 Settings-OLD"
/User/Library/Application Support/Adobe
Rename "Adobe Illustrator 19" to "Adobe Illustrator 19-OLD"
Launch Illustrator.  All right!  Out of the Diagnostic mode at last!  Thanks!  Back to work.

I guess that was also in this thread:
Also this as reference:

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