Thursday, June 5, 2014

FCPX and the trackless concept

I like the trackless Timeline in FCPX after all, for the most part.

Tracks still make a LOT of sense to me when organizing the timeline - It's visually immediate. All interviews on V1, all B-Roll on V2, all Texts on V3, GFX on V4, etc.

And it works just as well for audio: production tracks on 1&2, VO on 3, Music on 4&5 ...

Nodes are cool, the trackless Timeline of FCPX is cool, roles feel like they're gonna be cool. But trackless is not gonna work until it's really INTELLIGENT.

When I quickly slip a white background under a cropped still, note that the still has to be ABOVE the background, OK. That is even obvious to the Apple designers. There is some track layer intelligence built-in, the kind we are used to want.

Now if I COPY said background and paste it under a second cropped still... guess what.

It pastes ABOVE the still. It does not know it has to go UNDER. What the f*%$? It's a background.

With tracks my background always goes where it needs to: inside its own track, BELOW the stills track. That's currently a SUPERIOR behavior because it saves me time. I don't have to re-organize my layers constantly.

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