Monday, May 19, 2014

Apple Motion 5 is pissing me off

Each time I forget to save and I playback the Timeline up to the end, it CRASHES.

Like it's trying to loop but it can't (why?) and gets stuck. I have to turn Loop Playback off or else it crashes.

Why? Why???  I want to be able to loop playback, instead of having to click constantly to reset the playhead.

And I don't want to save after every move, and I don't want to commit to a move right away, most of the times I want to micro adjust / undo / redo multiple times before I'm happy and finally hit Save.

Is it too much to ask?

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

FCPX Dates in the browser have turned red ... Quid?

Today as I opened FCPX, all dates - and "Projects" - in the browser have turned RED !

They were white yesterday, now crimson red. What does this mean???

... Now it's back to white - after closing re-opening FCPX. What gives???

Thursday, May 1, 2014

FCPX Color Correction inactive on stills ?

Is it just me or is FCPX's (10.1.1) Color Correction inactive on still images?

Workaround is to apply an adjustment layer, but that's not very satisfying...

Update (10.1.3):

It is active, but it does not update as you do it, or it sometimes updates at random.

i.e. you apply a correction but you do not see it until .... later, like when you close and re-open the app.  That's not good.

Same thing seems to happen when you reframe a still.  Looks like it's not doing anything, but then later... it gets updated.

Update (10.1.4):

Same as previous version.

Are stills CC / Reframing behaving properly in your projects?

Thursday, April 10, 2014

FCPX 10.1.1 (and 10.1.3) features request

Please have FCPX open a Library with what was previously loaded into the Timeline, not a random Project.

If that's not possible (sic.) please just load with an empty Timeline.

Also add a Close button to the two "Timeline history" arrows.

And as a matter of fact, it would be just fine to have a "Timeline history" window/tab added to the Timeline Index.

As to show: Clips/Tags/Roles/History,  so that one can choose in which order and what to show in the said "Timeline history" -- Instead of, or in addition to the arrows.

Relative to this issue, open Projects and Compound Clips seem to be closing and/or disappearing from the Timeline History at random. Please explain or fix this behavior.

- OK it's not exactly at random:

1) If I go backward with the arrows to the first thing opened in the Timeline, and I open something that's not already open, everything closes but the very first thing opened, and loads the newly opened thing... I don't get this, close everything but the newly opened thing.

2) If I go to wherever position relative to the arrows, and open something new, it closes all things forward... Whaaat? What's the logic behind this?

3) If I go forward with the arrows to the last thing opened in the Timeline and I open something that's not already open in the Timeline, everything stays open... That's actually OK with me.

4) If I open something that's already open, it moves to wherever it is relative to the arrow navigation... I guess that's OK with me as well.

This is all too confusing, just give us a History tab and History list and a Close button please.

Thursday, March 27, 2014

FCPX Export with shortcut ⌘+E

This has been driving me crazy for a few weeks:
I can't +E to export my Timeline / Project? Why? You can in Motion !!!  But of course, you can in FCPX as well. Go to Share / Add Destination.
Right-click onto the Destination you want to export with (I choose Export File... )
Select Make Default from the drop down menu.  Bang! Now I can +E all I want!

I found out about the shortcut in the Commands / Customize, searching for "export".
I was ready to make my own, but I saw +E already listed there as a shortcut for Export Using Default Share Destination, but... a Default Destination wasn't assigned.
Now it is!

+E     Bam! 

FCPX frame rate conform

   Frame rate conforming cannot be easier in FCPX:
- Bring your clip into the Timeline. (29.97fps clip into 25fps Timeline for ex.)
- Select the clip, then go to the Inspector (+4)
- Under Video > Rate Conform, select Frame Sampling = Frame Blending or better yet Optical Flow.  The later takes longer as FCPX needs to analyse the clip first.
Done. And it looks pretty good!

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Apple Motion adjust Timeline duration

    To adjust Timeline duration in Motion:
- Click on the arrow located right to the counter display.
- From the drop down menu select: Show Project Duration.
- Adjust time by click+dragging into the HH:MM:SS:FF display.
- Then click on the arrow again and select back to Show Current Time to display cursor position.