Showing posts with label Background encoding. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Background encoding. Show all posts

Wednesday, May 30, 2018

AME Background Encoding Pauses When Playing Premiere Pro Timeline

I like to Export my screeners via Adobe Media Encoder (Queue) so I can continue to work on my Premiere Timeline.

Yes, I can do that, dandy as it is, but NO!, it does not work because as soon as I playback my Premiere Timeline, AME puts itself in full PAUSE mode. 
And waits until I'm not playing back in Premiere to resume encoding.

Darn it!!

Now if I just edit and stuff, it works, full encoding in the background. Scrubbing is fair game, it continues to encode while scrubbing the Timeline, but no playback allowed. Changing the Playback relolution to 1/2 or 1/4 doesn't help.

Is it just me? Is there a setting for this? Or ...what??

Aaarrg! I wish Premiere would share the resources instead of sucking everything out of AME to a full stop.