Wednesday, August 18, 2021

Final Cut Pro 10.4.10 All Clips Turned Grey In The Timeline

 Final Cut Pro 10.4.10 All Clips Turned Grey In The Timeline, I'm freaking out!!!

It's not Roles that have been disabled (Index, Roles, Checkboxes Off) and it's not the clips that are disabled ("V".)

I'm freaking out for a second. It's the SOLO function!!! Option +"S". I've clicked too fast on the keyboard and activated it by mistake. Option +"S" again and I'm out of solo.

Hufff! Always when you need to go through something fast...

Wednesday, August 11, 2021

mac os mojave sharing error "The operation can't be completed because the original item for "###.public folder" can't be found"

After a Mojave security upgrade I get this error message trying to connect to a remote Mac:

"The operation can't be completed because the original item for "###.public folder" can't be found"

Deeply annoying since it was working just fine before the update.

I was able to fix it with a few operations:

1) In System Prefs/Network/Advanced/TCP/IP, switch Configure IPv6 from Automatically to Link-local only. (Do that for all connected networks.)

2) Create a new Sharing Test Folder in your user folder, and under System Prefs/Sharing add the test folder to the list of shared folders.

3) Test to remotely connect to the Test Folder. In my case it worked just fine, only the previously created and shared folders didn't work.

4) OK, so now go to the Public folder and whatever folders you used to share but now refused to work and change the permissions. Select the folder, Command+I, in the Sharing and permissions, ADD administrator / read and write, and Apply to enclosed items.

5) Log out and relaunch each computer and voilà! Back in business and able to connect to all my shared folders remotely.