Friday, February 1, 2019

FCPX Youlean Meter

A note re. the use of the Youlean Meter, (possibly other meters as well, to be tested), when using it in Final Cut Pro.

The way I do it, I bring my stems in FCP (VO/Dia, Music, Effects) and I group them into a Compound Clip. I apply Youlean Meter to the Compound Clip.

Now that's all fine and dandy, you will notice though that adjusting the level of the CC does not change the reading of the YLM.

So if the volume of the CC is anything other than "0dB", you could have too hot/too low levels on output while YLM shows everything is fine. Watch that one!

If you want to adjust the levels, you must do it on the Stems, inside the CC. Then the YLM actualizes accordingly.