Sunday, May 8, 2016

How to apply Adjustment Layers to a single Layer or Group in Photoshop? ...Clipping Mask!

The Adjustment Layers are great, but they modify all layers that are staked below. How to exclude some layers form the adjustment?

Easy: Select the Adjustment Layer, and "Create Clipping Mask" (Alt+Command+G) and the Adjustment Layer will now clip to the underlaying Layer or Group selectively, without altering other Groups or Layers.  Neat.

You can do the same by clicking on the left bottom icon of the Adjustment Layer Properties Panel:
Another way is to hover over the space between the Adjustment Layer and the Layer or Group below it in the Layer Panel, hold "Option" and you will see the Create Clipping Mask small icon. Click on it.

Note that it is reversible: you will now see the "reverse / undo" Create Clipping Mask icon, click on it and the Adjustment Layer is back to "normal" - affecting every layer below - mode.

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