Monday, May 19, 2014

Apple Motion 5 is pissing me off

Each time I forget to save and I playback the Timeline up to the end, it CRASHES.

Like it's trying to loop but it can't (why?) and gets stuck. I have to turn Loop Playback off or else it crashes.

Why? Why???  I want to be able to loop playback, instead of having to click constantly to reset the playhead.

And I don't want to save after every move, and I don't want to commit to a move right away, most of the times I want to micro adjust / undo / redo multiple times before I'm happy and finally hit Save.

Is it too much to ask?

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

FCPX Dates in the browser have turned red ... Quid?

Today as I opened FCPX, all dates - and "Projects" - in the browser have turned RED !

They were white yesterday, now crimson red. What does this mean???

... Now it's back to white - after closing re-opening FCPX. What gives???

Thursday, May 1, 2014

FCPX Color Correction inactive on stills ?

Is it just me or is FCPX's (10.1.1) Color Correction inactive on still images?

Workaround is to apply an adjustment layer, but that's not very satisfying...

Update (10.1.3):

It is active, but it does not update as you do it, or it sometimes updates at random.

i.e. you apply a correction but you do not see it until .... later, like when you close and re-open the app.  That's not good.

Same thing seems to happen when you reframe a still.  Looks like it's not doing anything, but then later... it gets updated.

Update (10.1.4):

Same as previous version.

Are stills CC / Reframing behaving properly in your projects?