Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Photoshop Smart Object

    How to create Smart Objects in Photoshop:
Right-Click onto a Layer into the Layer window, Select: Convert to Smart Object.
Any Filter applied to the Smart Object Layer is added as an Effect and can be turned on/off.
Yeah! This saves me having to duplicate Layers ad-finitum just in case something goes wrong... 

Save file as Tiff with layers, it will relink into FCP, with the Effect(s) turned on/off reflecting the status in Photoshop.  Combined with a set of actions, that can be a fast way to automate stills treatment.  Non-permanent, very useful.

Thursday, May 16, 2013

DVD StudioPro Multi-Angle requirements

- DVD SP has specific requirements for the prep of Multi-Angle tracks:
Mpeg-2 assets must have the same length and the same frame rate.

From the DVDSP User Manual:

Requirements for MPEG Streams in Multi- and Mixed-Angle Video

The integrated MPEG encoder produces streams that meet the criteria for multi- and mixed-angle use:
With multi-angle tracks, all streams must be the same length. With mixed-angle tracks, all alternate streams in each mixed-angle section must be the same length.

All streams must have the same resolution and frame rate.
The length and pattern of GOPs (Group of Pictures) must be the same for all streams (angles). If you are not using the integrated MPEG encoder, use an encoder that allows you to turn scene detection off. 

All GOPs should be closed. You will not be able to cleanly switch between the streams if you use open GOPs

- In addition, the DVD specs stipulate a max bitate of 8Mbit/s per angle:

Friday, May 10, 2013

DVD StudioPro palette elements "Relink"

    I have all my content libraries (DVD SP, Motion, LiveType, Soundtrack) onto a second drive, so the normal location on my system drive (/Library/Application Support/Final Cut Studio/DVD Studio Pro) is empty.  DVDSP did not load any element but a few default items in the palette widow at first.

To populate the palette window, go to: DVDSP/Preferences/Destinations/
In the "Show" pull-down menu, select: Palette Elements.
In the "Stock" path windows, click choose and select the path to your DVD Studio Pro library.
Click Apply.

The palette will populate, except for the Shape window.
That's OK, restart DVD SP, and voilà... even the Shape window is properly populated.